8000 STEPS

8000 Steps

Of late I've been tracking a lot of my movement via steps. A few years ago I would have shrugged off the thought of steps as a 'fad' but I've honed in and have seen immediate benefit from not only my own body, but those who I work closely with.

Every single day I strive for it. Some days it's a tough ask, but it has skewed my thought on what training can be, and how much movement is needed just to create equilibrium in my body.

  • I’m happier

  • I’m leaner

  • I’m healthier in my joints

The people I'm working with stick to it like glue. They never sway. They have a checklist every day and one of them is 8000 steps. The movement benefits have created a better moving body, fat loss, vitality and clarity.

Research says 10,000 is a minimum. If you're on your feet all day this is easy. But if you're a desk worker, in the car a lot or tending to be more static during the day I'll use 8000.

Movement is medicine, so start moving today.

8000 steps is easy when you truly focus on it.

Want some accountability on this? Reach out, I'm keen to hear from you.

Written By

Coach Dan - Founder and Owner of V2


breaking a mental sweat, too
