The age old ‘who’s best in show’.
Consistency vs intensity?
Let’s break it down for a second.
Consistency means being able to stick to something for the long term without huge hurdles or de-rails.
Intensity means cranking the heart rate, cranking the weights and going RPE9.9.
So what’s better?
For us at V2, a little of column A, a little of column B - but definitely steering towards column consistency.
Intensity produces incredible results - it truly does. Ultra hard work, ultra gains. But sometimes the risk/reward is a little high for some. Injuries? CNS Fatigue? General feeling of ‘offttt’?
CF Games athletes will have to have a high volume of intensity in their training to cope with the stimulus of competition. They also have incredible recovery principles that some of us meer mortals don’t have time for.
So if you’re a parent, studying hard, have lots of other things going on in life ie. work/stress… steer towards ‘training for tomorrow’. Instead of completely leaving it on the floor, maybe think about saving some for the rest of the week. Make sure the weights are within your realm, and look to a coach for any scaling methods if something doesn’t feel exactly right.
Playing a consistent long game will across a year serve you more reps, more work and ultimately a greater level of fitness.