Building Strength Safely: Why How You Move Matters

Strength training is more than just lifting weights; it's about moving your body in the right way to build muscle effectively. Sometimes, the temptation to lift heavier weights than your body is capable of can be huge in a class setting.

Let's explore why focusing on movement quality is crucial for successful long-term strength gains.

The Basics of Strength: Moving Right

Strength training isn't just about picking up the bar or dumbbell randomly. It's about doing the movement pattern with the right technique, posture, control, and stability. It means moving in a way that's safe and effective for your body. When you have good movement quality, you're less likely to get injured, and your muscles work the way they're supposed to.

Why Quality Beats Quantity

Sure, lifting heavy weights might make you feel strong, but if you're not moving properly, you're setting yourself up for trouble. Here's why:

1. Less Chance of Injury: If you do exercises with bad form or too much load, unfortunately you're a ticking time bomb of injury.

2. Subconscious Mind: If you repeatably hit the right technique, over time your subconscious mind can take over... when you're in the thick of a character building workout and you start to go blank-minded, your technique can still hold up safe.

3. Stay Healthy Long-Term: Movement quality allows you to do this for the long-term not the short-term. Allowing your body to move in ways it was meant to creates joint health and muscle balance - perfect for longevity.

Tips for Moving Better

Here are some simple ways to focus on moving well during your workouts:

1. Watch Your Form: Pay attention to how you're moving and make sure you're doing the strength movements correctly. This might mean holding back a little on weight to allow your body the ability to think!

2. Take It Slow For A While: Don't rush through your lifts. Focus on doing each movement with control and precision until the subconscious mind can take over for you.

3. Build Up Gradually: Start with lighter weights then gradually increase the intensity as you get stronger and more capable.

4. Wave At One Of The Coaches: If you're not sure if you're moving well, work with one of our coaches who can show you the right way. We're always prowling the room, but if you feel you need eyes-on, just wave at us! We're super keen to help.

When it comes to strength training, how you move is just as important as how much you lift. By focusing on moving well before you increase the load, you'll reduce your risk of injury, improve your performance, and set yourself up for long-term success!

Have a great training week! Reach out if you need any help.


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